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Enhance Your Life with AI

Explore the power of AI with SJGPTS.

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Summarize Everything Icon

Summarize Everything

Summarizes YouTube video, PDF, article, webpage, image, email and document, providing comprehensive insights.

SEO BlogGPT Icon


Crafts SEO optimized blog articles, SEO optimized meta descriptions, and SEO optimized titles. It can read the provided links, including YouTube videos.

Excel Maestro Icon

Excel Maestro

Expert in Excel formulas, Excel functions, VBA, Excel charting, pivot tables, and data organization, providing tailored guidance and efficient solutions about Excel.

Scholar Elite Icon

Scholar Elite

Finds, summarizes, and analyzes papers from Arxiv, Semanticscholar, PubMed, PDFs, links, and other sources.

Math Bulb Icon

Math Bulb

Provides detailed, sequential solutions and assists in mastering mathematics at any educational level, including the ability to perform mathematical proofs. You can also send a picture of your math problem.

AutoTasker Icon


Automatically performs analysis and tasks, including Summarizing Youtube Videos, coding, data analysis, brainstorming, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, VBA, charting, programming, writing, developing ideas, planning, and more.

LOGO Wizard Icon

LOGO Wizard

Specialized in logo design. Designs logo for shopify stores, blogs, startups, apps, etc.

CodeSage Icon


Your programming assistant revolutionizing the way you approach coding, Making coding tasks more efficient and coding challenges more manageable.

Shorts Reels Expert Icon

Shorts Reels Expert

Creates scripts and images for YouTube shorts, Instagram reels.

WordPress Code Wizard Icon

WordPress Code Wizard

WordPress code snippet guru offering advanced development solutions for WordPress.

Product Manager YPM Icon

Product Manager YPM

Your Product Manager, crafts unique business ideas, comprehensive plans, and high-impact strategies tailored for your products.

Project Manager MPM Icon

Project Manager MPM

Project Manager MPM will help you plan your project. Whether the project is startup planning, event planning, marketing planning, or anything else.

PEC - Practice English Conversation Icon

PEC - Practice English Conversation

PEC helps you to practice English conversation. Provides detailed analysis of sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary usage, and more.

PuronChan Icon

PuronChan The Prompt Engineer

PuronChan, a professional prompt engineer, is here to help you craft effective prompts desu! Expert in prompt engineering.

Contact Information

X: @sjgpts

E-mail: llkslks21@gmail.com